Sharowar Alom |
Professionally, He is a virtual assistant. He works in different online marketplaces like as,,, He is mainly experienced in SEO ( Search Engine Optimization) and Social Media Marketing. Facebook marketing in well known area to him. He has his professional blog site
As an Social Media Marketer, He make prosperous development to different websites, blog-sites and especially Facebook marketing.
In boyhood, he was very agile in character. Playing with friends, hangout with playmates was very interesting work to him. A touch of decency was from the beginning of his life. Clean and dashing cloth was his first choice to attend any party or this type of occasion. He liked to sing with friends, dancing with them and chilling up every moments. By-cycling was a great way to chill up. Engaging in football and cricket made his time more enjoyable.
In very early of the life, he started going to school. He attended directly in primary education as he was from rural area. His mother was really a smart mother. She was the pioneer of his son's education. Mr. Alom had learned more from his lovely mom than a boy learned in school at that age. Mother taught him in kitchen room while she used to cook. Mr. Alom passed Primary School Certificate with latter marks. He also did well in Secondary School Certificate achieving A+ grade. In this whole time he was in kurigram.
After completing his Secondary Education, Sharowar Alom admitted into Rangpur Police Lines School & College for Higher Secondary Education and achieved A grade. He tried hard to get addmitted into medical college to be a doctor but failed. Then he admitted into Sher-e-Bangla Agricultural University to complete BSc Agricultural Economics, a 4 years honors degree. And after that he completed his MSc degree in Agribusiness and Marketing. Bangladesh has a dependency on Agriculture sector. Going through educational courses, he attended Debating Club, Rover Scout, SAU language Club, SAU computer Club etc. and performed in Kishan Theater also.
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